YOU are a vital part in helping educate Valley Ridge students by giving your time and talents. No experience is required. However, we do ask that you complete the Keep n Track Form which is designed for the safety of our children. If you have previously filled out a form for another school, it will automatically be transferred and renewed. Completing this form will allow you access to:
Art Smart introduces and exposes our children to art & art appreciation.
As a VRA volunteer: Your job is to read a prepared presentation about the artist and talk about their works of art. That’s all there is to it! You don’t have to be an expert! All the information you need to know is provided to you on this site. Many volunteers find this to be a great way to interact with the class and learn a little about art themselves. This program has been developed to support the concepts the students are learning in art. Interactive resources and art project ideas are also available.
This position can also be shared with another volunteer, making it easy to fit your personal schedule and availability.
If interested, please email: Thank you for your willingness to share the wonderful world of art with our children!
Access Art Smart Site Here
St. Johns County and volunteers run Character Education to instill positive character traits in our students. The program focuses on fairness, responsibility, citizenship, respect, caring, and trustworthiness. Volunteers are assigned at the beginning of the year, but if you are interested in helping out, please reach out to the Character Education Committee Chair at We are always happy to have positive and willing parents to help make VRA great!
The monthly lessons are fun and interactive and focus on our student's social, emotional, and academic growth. We read books, have group discussions, get a little messy with art activities, and laugh lots! If you are outgoing, energetic, organized, and looking to make a difference, you have found your niche in teaching our students how CHARACTER COUNTS! It can become a way of life and, in turn, become a part of our entire community is our passion.Access Character Education Site Here